Marijuana Grow Ops

My house had a Grow-Op in it, should I be worried about toxic mould?

YES, when a house or building has marijuana grow operation, it creates an environment of excessively high levels of humidity. They?re literally putting a greenhouse inside a house or building. It?s this high humidity that causes most grow houses to have excessive amounts of mould growing inside the structure. Mould needs very little to grow: a food source (wood, paper, drywall, or dust), mould spores, an amiable temperature, and moisture. What this means is that practically every house and building in the known world has the ability to grow mould if you add moisture. A marijuana grow-op is a disaster waiting to happen. Why? It only takes 24- 48 hours for mould to start growing after being exposed to a moisture source like high humidity. Many of these grow-op?s are in operation for years! The first thing a person needs to do is bring in an expert to do a Certified Mould Inspection of the structure and assess the situation. This will allow the inspector to determine some very important questions :

  • Is there mould present?
  • How extensive and concentrated the colonies are?
  • What type of mould is present?
  • Should air or other mould samples be taken?
  • What will the scope of work be to repair the potential mould problem?
  • Can the house safely be inhabited?

Enviromold Technicians are Certified Mould Inspectors and Certified Mould Remediators (removal). We have years of experience and knowledge with grow-op mould issues.
Call Enviromold at 1-866-645-4500

Grow-Op's in the Press

Edmonton Sun, 2004- The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police is particularly worried about toxic mould often found in damp, poorly ventilated illegal grow-ops. "Large amounts of moisture in MGO confined spaces create and encourage the growth of many micro-organisms and indoor species of mould," said the resolution, passed last week at the CACP's annual conference in Vancouver.
April 28, 2006 (Bloomberg)-- Holes in ceilings and attics are often made to route electricity and to vent excess moisture from the homes. What is of the most concern is the mould, often toxic, which affects ceilings, drywall, paneling, and insulation. This mould can be a serious health risk to anyone living in the home, as it may cause respiratory damage.